August 01, 2006

Call for Abstracts

Thursday October 26, 2006
UNC Friday Center, Chapel Hill, NC
Topic: "Oxidative Stress and Damage"
The Genetics and Environmental Mutagenesis Society is soliciting free communications for talks and posters from technicians, students, and 1st- or 2nd-year post-docs. GEMS will present a travel award for the best overall talk, plus cash prizes of $150 for the best poster in each category (technician; student; post-doc)! The travel award covers expenses up to $1500 for our best talk winner to present another talk at a future scientific meeting (as conferred by GEMS Board of Directors).

Abstracts are due by Tuesday September 26, 2006.

Instructions for Preparing Abstracts

Abstracts (250-300 words) should be prepared according to the following instructions:
  1. If possible, use the non-bold 12-point Arial font. The title should be CAPITALIZED, followed by the author’s names, affiliations and complete addresses. Use numbers in square brackets [1] to designate different affiliations/addresses. The Presenter’s name should be underlined.
  2. Skip one line, do not indent, and continue with paragraph of text describing the hypothesis being addressed and the results obtained. Do not exceed the 300 word limit for the abstract. [See an example abstract below.]
  3. Send (email) the abstract as a MS Word or WordPerfect file to:

    Dr. Gregory R. Stuart
    PO Box 12233, MD E3-01
    RTP, NC 27709
    Phone: 919-541-5424
Abstracts are due by Tuesday September 26, 2006.

Indicate your preference for poster or oral presentation. Notification of acceptance of the abstract will be sent to the presenting author by October 11, 2006. Abstracts presented at the Annual Meeting will be distributed to all attendees.

Sample Abstract:

THE E2F/RB PATHWAY REGULATION OF DNA REPLICATION AND PROTEIN BIOSYNTHESIS, W.O. Ward [1], Harry Hurd [2] and R.J. Duronio [2], [1] EPA, MD B143-06, RTP, NC 27711 and [2] UNC, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

The E2F/Rb pathway plays a pivotal role in the control of cell cycle progression and regulates the expression of genes required for G1/S transition. Our study examines the genomic response in Drosophila embryos after overexpression and mutation of E2F/Rb pathway molecules. [… remainder of Abstract deleted, in this example …]